With back-to-school season in full swing, Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan recently sat down to respond to some pressing education
from SmartBlog on Education. Below is the full Q&A:
What is the biggest challenge that teachers face as they go back
to school this fall? What guidance would you give them to help them meet
the challenge?

large majority of states are now making the shift to the Common Core
State Standards, a state-led effort to raise standards for which the
U.S. Department of Education has provided some support. Educators across
the country have embraced the enormous, urgent challenge that goes with
this transition to more rigorous academic standards, new assessments,
and updated teacher evaluation systems. Teachers are faced with a level
of change and reform in schools and districts that is unprecedented.
Overwhelmingly, I’ve heard teachers say that it’s the professional
challenge of a lifetime to raise standards so every American student can
compete and succeed in the global economy. In discussions with more
than 4,000 educators, my team at the U.S. Department of Education and I
also have heard teachers say that it’s imperative that we, as a nation,
get this right for our kids.
The Common Core State Standards focus on college- and career
readiness and have been adopted voluntarily by a majority of states. The
new standards set the bar for student performance high. But they also
give teachers the opportunity to go deep into content and innovate. In
surveys, three out of four teachers say these standards will help them
teach better.
At the same time, I’ve heard that
teachers need time, models, and quality professional development so that
they may effectively teach to the new standards.
To make this transition, states, districts, and schools should do as
much as possible to provide teachers with support for professional
learning tied to the new standards. It’s also critical for teachers to
connect with and learn from each other.
In states where there is a strong commitment to collaboration,
teachers generally feel more empowered and positive about education
reforms. I look forward to working together with educators to ensure
that all students learn at their highest level.
How can we prepare, support, and retain individuals who will
become excellent teachers? What do you see as exemplars in traditional
and alternative models?
Every teacher should receive the high-quality preparation and support
they need, so that all students have the effective teachers they
deserve. Unfortunately, across the U.S., the quality of teacher
preparation programs is uneven. Almost two-thirds of novice teachers
feel unprepared for the realities of their classroom. That, to me, is
unacceptable. Teachers often tell me that they didn’t have enough
hands-on experience or time to practice their craft during their initial
I’m a big fan of preparation programs that include internships where
novices work with master educators in their classrooms over an extended
period. Data shows this approach can yield increased teacher retention
Many education schools run exemplary programs rooted in clinical
experience, including Emporia State University in Kansas and Hunter
College in New York City. The nonprofit Academy for Urban School
Leadership in Chicago provides a great “alternative” route to the
classroom, in which participants complete a yearlong residency working
with effective mentor teachers.
Across the country, our schools and districts also have to do a
better job of supporting teachers at every stage of their careers, which
means providing teachers with a continuum of professional growth.
Educators deserve a full career’s worth of opportunities to teach,
mentor, and lead. I’m encouraged by “hybrid” positions for teacher
leaders in which effective educators work with students and help to
strengthen instruction across an entire school.
I believe that many of the answers for continuing to build and
nurture our country’s teaching workforce lie with educators themselves.
The Department of Education recently released
A Blueprint for RESPECT,
a framework for elevating the teaching profession developed through
discussions with thousands of educators. Their thoughtful
recommendations give me great hope for the future of teaching and
learning in this country.
The U.S. Department of Education supports Connected Educator Month, slated for October. How can being “connected” help educators navigate the beginning of a new school year?
Online communities and learning networks can help teachers gain new
skills and instructional techniques. They also provide “on-demand”
access to knowledge and opportunities for collaboration and mentorship.
For new teachers, learning and problem solving with other educators
through an online forum can reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety
they may experience in their first days and months in the classroom.
But many educators aren’t “connected” yet because they haven’t taken
advantage of opportunities for professional learning online or they
aren’t realizing the full benefits. Many districts and states also
haven’t done enough to recognize this essential learning as legitimate
professional development.
For these reasons, the Department of Education convened the
first-ever Connected Educator Month last August. Due to demand from
educators, we’re organizing this year’s event in October, with an
emphasis on helping districts to promote and integrate online social
learning into their plans for formal professional development.
Technology has enormous potential for providing teachers with
targeted support when and where they need it. Technology also can help
to personalize the learning experience for students. By blending
face-to-face and online learning, for example, students can work at
their own pace and teachers can receive “real-time” information about
student performance. Yet, today, fewer than 20 percent of educators say
their school’s Internet connection meets their teaching needs.
That’s why I’m excited about President Obama’s call in June for a
five-year effort that will provide high-speed broadband and wireless to
99 percent of students. The
ConnectED initiative also
aims to improve the skills of teachers, providing educators with
support and training to integrate technology into their classrooms.
I hope that every educator will take full advantage of Connected Educator Month and — as the new school year begins
— establish connections with colleagues that will support their teaching practice all year long.
What can educators expect from the U.S. Department of Education this school year? What new initiatives are on the horizon?
This school year, educators and families may hear a lot about the
transition to more rigorous academic standards and assessments.
Achievement of these standards will help students to thrive in an
increasingly competitive, global economy. But, we will do little to put
our students on a path to success if we do not make a concerted effort
to help every child start out with the same basic competencies through
high-quality early learning programs.
Research supports this notion. High-quality preschool can lead to
higher graduation rates, less likelihood of being involved in crime or
relying on public assistance, and better jobs at higher salaries. These
are benefits for kids, families, and our nation.
But, among 4-year-olds in the U.S., fewer than three in 10 attend a
high-quality preschool program. This opportunity gap confronts far too
many American children — particularly those living in low-income
communities. We need to work hard to reach many more students.
President Obama has put forward a plan to make high-quality, full-day
preschool available to all 4-year-olds from families whose incomes are
at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty line. This plan will help
Americans struggling to balance work and family responsibilities and
the cost of child care. And, states would receive incentives to provide
voluntary, high-quality preschool with qualified teachers, low class
sizes, and stimulating learning experiences.
All children deserve the best shot possible to succeed. So with the
start of this new school year, I want to encourage every educator to be
an outspoken advocate of quality early education programs that can
continue to close achievement gaps and provide life-transforming
opportunities to our children.
Last week, President Obama also announced an ambitious new agenda to
keep college affordable. Through a focus on both ends of the education
pipeline — early learning and college — we hope to ensure that education
continues to be the ticket to the middle class in this country. The
President’s plan will tie federal financial aid to college performance,
so colleges must demonstrate that they provide good value to students.
The Obama Administration is going to continue doing everything we can to
make college affordable, and we’re looking forward to seeing colleges
and states do their part as well.